Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hide the porn, save your marriage.

I believe vehemently in freedom of speech. I also enjoy a good bit of porn. Often though, those around us may not be entirely sympathetic or tolerant of our leanings or habits.

This is where technology comes in quite handy. In the days of yore, a man had to hide the porn still but it was in solid form. Magazines, dirty books and video tapes were all quite bulky and difficult to conceal. The digital age is heralded by fascinating new ways of looking at smut while being discreet.

I can't speak for everyone, but most married couples I've seen weren't completely at harmony with one another. Far be it from my intent to disrupt that bond, but instead to educate. Say your significant other finds your habits to be disgusting and depraved. That's tragic, but you're not going to change overnight. More likely, they just want to change that part of you. Well fuck that.

Confrontation can lead to problems and you probably do really like them, so hence a bit of subtlety is needed. Hide the porn.

"How do I hide the porn?" you ask.

Learn a little. Secure browsing for starters. Most browsers come with what are commonly called 'Porn modes'. These private browsing sessions are quite useful for things like online banking and other things you don't want in your computer's history. For now, we're using them for smut.

Porn mode is an alternative to clearing your cookies and history all the damn time. Chrome has Incognito, Safari has Private Browsing and Firefox has it's own. When you activate it, there may be a notifier that you are no longer leaving any traces on your computer. You go where you will, and when you're done, no one will be the wiser.

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